Thursday, May 24, 2007


There's a sense of unreality
Like the self fragmented
Scattered here...
And there...
Thoughts and memories
Moments and reminisces
The mind liberated
Takes a wild gallop across the greens of life.

The green which is no more there...
The yellow and the brown
The autumn of my life
Ushering in the winter.
Am I looking forward to it?
If winter comes,can spring be far behind??...
A life is a year
And my spring is now a dry leaf
A page
A phase
A lifetime.

Oh Winter...What agony do you have in you?
Pale and bloodless
The penury of the soul
The chill of a corpse
Are you a dead man?


  1. You call the winter as a "dead man". I quite like the analogy. But, when you yourself claim that your spring is a "dry leaf", then, I can always ask you, what right do you have to say that to winter? I mean, of course, winter is cold. But it brings with it those chilling breeze, those foggy mornings, which, although morose, at least have a life in them. Spring, on the other hand, signifies warmth and color. Now, when even spring is a "dry leaf" for you (which definitely relates to lack of liveliness), you can't really say that to winter. Or, is it that you claim that the winter was so dead (I don't know how you can quantify death), that it has sucked the life out of the spring as well? But then, the comparison should not be with a "dead man". A dead man simply lies inert, but doesn't affect others walking past him, does he?
