Sunday, August 19, 2007

The spring that blushed in Delhi
And the blush which deepend yellow....
The raadhachuura petals holding their heads high
In the dazzle of the clear blue sky.
And then...
When spring is over,
They are strewn on the streets.
Brown and dry...buffetetd by the wind that leads them to their graves,
Under the pedestrians boots.


  1. The pic is beautiful and u hv finally found something cheerful to write abt... Thts definitely an improvement over ur sepulchral poetry... and that definitely deserves a word of praise... :)
    The world is a beautiful place filled with beautiful and caring people.. ur poetry should reflect the joy and beauty that surrounds u... keep up the good work swthrt... :)
    and oh yeah... the cofee pic is really good too, does look lik the blog of a Barista specialist!! ha ha ha :D
    Luv u... keep writing beautiful stuff... :)

  2. Well, Shreya, I do not know who is it who has given the comment prior to me, but nevertheless, I agree COMPLETELY with him/her. I do not have anything more or anything different to say. Congratulating you on your efforts of coming out of that "shards-of-broken-glass" poetry, and informing you that "The world is a beautiful place filled with beautiful and caring people.. ur poetry should reflect the joy and beauty that surrounds u". Thats all we (your friends and well-wishers) can do as far as this poem is concerned.
